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Friday, August 8, 2014

Israel is fighting pure evil

Israel is fighting EVIL on behalf of all of Western civilization.

Morally despicable Hamas/Palestinian society examples

1.-Palestinian mom wishes all her 10 sons would be suicide bombers
2.-Abbas routinely honors and praises terrorist murderers of Jews

3. -Fatah, in UNITY government with Hamas, is just as bad. 
4. -the kidnap and murder of the 3 boys by Hamas was widely celebrated in Palestinian
5.-Hamas, an official part of Palestinian govt. has a charter which calls for death of Jews  and destruction of Israel WARCRIME
6.-Palestinian curriculum teaches 5 year olds songs about killing Jew  CHILD ABUSE

7. -The survey asked about suicide bombing as a specific form of militant violence and found the highest support for it in the Middle East at 46 percent in Gaza and the West Bank,

8.-Palestinians use human shields to encourage civilian casualties and shoot missiles from hospitals and mosques  WAR CRIME
9.-Palestinians send thousands of missiles at indiscriminant targets aimed to kill as many Jews as possible WAR CRIMES. Every civilian death is Hamas’ fault for sending the missiles in first place

10.--Nuclear terrorism-sent missiles to Dimona to try and strike nuclear facility WAR CRIMES

11.-Richard Kemp, former commander of British Troops in Afghanistan and a senior military adviser to the British government, said the following: “I don’t think there has ever been a time in the history of warfare where any army has made more efforts to reduce civilian casualties and deaths of civilians than the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) is doing today in Gaza.”

12.-Hamas WARCRIME wears Israeli uniforms to try and terrorize and kill

13-Hamas uses animals to suicide detonate bombs ANIMAL ABUSE

14. They lie and lie and Lie Turkish dictator says Israel nazi like

15. Tortures and kills domestic political opponents.‎

16. Has no political or religious freedom and has no freedom of ‎speech, press, or assembly, and no independent judiciary.‎

17. Is a theocracy.‎

18. Violently oppresses gays.

19. Saturates its education and airwaves with a demonic hatred ‎of Jews.‎

20. The terrorize Christians and drive them out of their territory

21. They say no Jews will be allowed to live in a Palestinian state, places jews have lived 4000 years

22. They refuse to acknowledge the right of Jews to have a Jewish state

23. Rated a 6 by Freedom House in its 2013 report on freedom ‎in the world. Seven is the worst possible rating. Hamas ranks ‎‎6 in freedom, 6 in civil liberties and 6 political rights.‎

24. 170,000 rockets and missiles are aimed at Israel. This is just one of the major threats facing Israel in its hostile neighborhood. Says Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, the Head of IDF Intelligence

25. Destroy buildings and kill civilians to frame Israel. WAR CRIME

·         NOTES.

·         .http://conservativepapers.com/news/2012/01/23/muslim-children-training-to-be-suicide-bombers-mothers-proud/#.U72mQ_wg_cc  Show me Jewish mothers who advocate mass suicide bombing by their sons.

·         3. http://www.timesofisrael.com/moderate-fatah-joins-hamas-and-islamic-jihad-in-missile-launches/ Has Israel made a unity government with a party advocating murder of all Muslims?

·         http://www.palwatch.org/

·         http://www.jewsnews.co.il/2014/08/03/an-absolutely-horrifying-story-from-inside-gaza/

·         VS Prior to striking a building in the Gaza Strip, the IDF warns its inhabitants using a procedure called "Knock on the roof," in which forces fire a small mortar at the target to indicate the imminent attack and signal those inside to flee before hitting it with full force.

·         Show me Israelis using human shields

·         9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel niot true th other way around

·         Show me IDF sending indiscriminate missiles at Gaza. Use schools, hospitals and mosques to hide missiles and shoot them. WAR CRIMES http://www.timesofisrael.com/20-missiles-found-in-un-run-school-in-gaza/#.U8hDly-byPk.gmail

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