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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anti Semitism up

After a two year downturn, global antisemitism spiked in 2012, spurred by attacks on Jews in France and far- right political parties in Europe, a new study found.
There were a total of 656 attacks on Jews in 2012, an increase from 526 in 2011. There were 200 anti-Jewish incidents in France, the country with the highest number of anti-Jewish events.
The report, a joint effort by the European Jewish Congress and Tel Aviv University, was released on the eve of Yom Hashoah in Israel.
Researchers blamed far-right governments and Muslim extremists for the increase in anti-Jewish attacks.
Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress, called for strong action by the European Union, charging that governments — particularly Hungary —were not doing enough to curb these parties’ activities and protect minorities.
“Neo-Nazis have been once again legalized in Europe, they are openly sitting in parliaments,” said Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress.
Researchers said the attack on Jews in Toulouse, where four people were killed at a Jewish school, seems to have promoted, not inhibited, further incidents.
“This shows that the desire to harm Jews is deeply rooted among extremist Muslims and right-wingers, regardless of events in the Middle East,” said Roni Stauber, the study's chief researcher.

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