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Sunday, December 23, 2012

We facilitate new Jewish community in El Salvador

We are about to embark on an amazing adventure. 43 souls have been studying with me in El Salvador for more than a year, after we converted 5 from the group a few years ago in Chicago. My long distance conversion program, www/converttojudaism.net which has converted hundreds from all corners of the world, now is helping build this new Jewoish community.You can see pictures of the group at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151263567005837.518058.678430836&type=1   
     Tomorrow a beit din travels to El Salvador to interview each family again in person after we interviewed them today by skype, the men will have hatafat dam brit and all will immerse in a  mikvah they built. These people are more observant than most Conservative rabbis-shabbat, kashrut, famly purity laws, daily davening. They have shull already BEFORE they are Jewish and have a sefer Torah donated from Beverly Hills.  

     Why are Chicago Rabbis converting them? Because there is no Rabbi in El Salvador and the other Latin American Rabbis would not help them/. You can guess why. Conservative Judaism is drying up and many would turn their backs on 100 people who want to be Jewish desperately. (there are another 60 or so we'll take care of later.)  Below are some of their essays and pictures

1. ESSAY 1Shalom Rabino
Le envío el ensayo
1. Describe factors that have come to Judaism.
Without any doubt what brought me to the truth of Judaism is the Torah, and how to apply their study, parasha, helps us to have or carry a practical way for our life, I marvel at the festivities held during the year, the joy of making the welcome Shabbat, the lighting of candles, chants, and prayers we do as a family.

2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and compelling?
The values ​​that all mankind should be and apply for good conduct and behave know are in the Torah, the guidance given to us by Hashem to lead a life of holiness as our ancestors is the Torah, Rabbi Moshe exemplary men have one meek and obedient man that no one on earth like him, Avraham Avinu, who had showed kindness to his neighbor, for the foreigner etc. When we study the Torah we realize what we have done wrong in our lives, we have rejected the values ​​we wrote for the Lord.

3. What is more appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview Judaism lifestyle?
Jewish life is very different from a great distance from other religions, in Jewish life only we open our eyes and say tefilot, thanking Hashem for one more day of life he has given us, the Jewish lifestyle is just obey and implement the Torah to be directly related to Hashem, and be a good man.
But outside of Judaism we live a life without direction, full of emotions and sentimentality believe that everything we do well and that Hashem is with me despite not keep his word.
4. Describe your understanding of and relationship with God.
I always ask Lord has to be the absolute truth that I may have a change in my life, and I thank him for his will is, and it pleased me to be in the right way is the Torah , where how and what should I do to have a relationship with Hashem, his Torah study, allow time for tefilot, eat Kosher, practicing the Torah to have a relationship with the Lord. It's up to me if I want to be close to the Creator.

5. What has been your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future?
Since discovering Judaism feel my life has completely changed, my behavior, the way I treat others, provide the needed assistance without hesitation if I can. Do not get angry easily, understand others, and I've learned to have patience and kindness, and I want my pride disappears more. I hope to have more commitment to Jewish practice.
In the future I want my life to change every day and hope to study and read books from their rabbis to take his example and put it into practice.

6. Describe your sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community and synagogue.
 Personal mind I have not had any Jewish connection with Israel, all I have are only Holocaust documentaries, which were so cruel in war, persecutions, deportation, death of children and adults but what delighted me to have been faithful to Hashem, have not renounced their ways, the study of the Torah, its tefilot.
 Unfortunately I have no relation to any local Jewish community, I think I have to make my conversion, to find a Jewish community.
We have a group of friends to have a process that allows us to synagogue daily services in which we can be doing studies and our Tefilot Jewish laws, parties and other activities to help us further our understanding and future.
7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher?
I have an obligation to practice daily Tefilah in my house because I have not currently providing fixed synagogue synagogue services, but I have a commitment to a daily practice of Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv and the Shema before bed.
 We celebrate Shabbat at home with a group of friends who are in the process of conversion like me, starting with prayer before Shabbat Mincha Maariv Shabbat and then and then do the Shabbat at home, in the Alehem we sing Shalom, bless the children, and make Kiddush blessing Amotzi. Then we shared a dinner and finally end with the Birkat Hamazon.
I'm making a big effort to handle the Kashrut laws that try to keep my home clean of impurities, especially in the food. We have a meeting place where you can study and continue with the knowledge of Jewish law, which is the home of a friend.
We plan to buy books and Shulchan Aruch, Midrashim, and everything in our power to have more knowledge.
8 - and will continue their study Jewish
After our conversion to Judaism have come together in a local planned to perform our study and the Jewish laws. We support each other even for the purchase of Jewish books that study to acquire more knowledge about Judaism.
 2/ ESSAY 2
Test on the basis of these questions1. Describe the factors that have brought to Judaism.It is a responsibility as a Jew by the positive or negative range affecting worldwide. Judaism is a responsibility that we have to take in every moment of life, we know that the Jew is often stigmatized, this is part of our history and present and what Emunah fills us for so many years we are still "the people of Gd "and not changed that" Gd is One and Only "2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and compelling?Do not think they value most attractive or compelling than others, and that together represent "a whole." All these values ​​together are what define us as a people, as a nation, as Jews, all these values ​​are the lifestyle of Judaism.3. What is more appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview / lifestyle Judaism?In previous religion had many questions and no answers, with values ​​close to zero, a relationship with God for selfish personal convenience (prayers only "want ... give me ....), without any liability. Judaism is a lifestyle very particular precepts we relate with God and other men with a personal and community responsibility as a Jew. "What a Jew does it affects you, the Jewish community and creation. In Tefilah says "why have sinned ...." I mentioned in the plural, someone makes a mistake but we are all responsible.4. Describe your understanding of and relationship with God.I understand that Gd is "One and Only", based on this I recognize that "everything" is under his control. Obedience with joy, joy with conviction and conviction Emunah. The relationship with God leads me to a good man with elation as they are your creation. When we started the development and conversion of course my relationship with God would be totally different and much more sincere and closer to understanding my God.5. What has been your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future? My personal and family life has changed after the development of the study, understanding the role of father, mother, children in a Jewish home, the concept of "Honor your father and mother ...", how delicate and transcendent cause is an offense or humiliation to a person. Inside the home the fundamental work of the wife as an example the hassles of the Kashrut for the whole family, the lighting of Shabbat candles, challah separation, purification "Tevila". I want to see in the "Brit Mila of my grandson" and to know that I have to build and lead my family with the joy of the Torah and observant Jewish life.
6. Describe your sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community and synagogue. I came to understand reading Hamadrij, no matter which branch of Judaism belong, when a Jew or Israel is in danger and we are all one in the Siddur Vidui when we say "We have been guilty ..." the confession is written in plural because 
the Jewish people is like one body, each of us is like an organ, we are responsible for each other, for the good or evil of every Jew affects everything else.7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher?Prayer is one of the pillars that sustains the world and the responsibility that as a Jew I have about it. My connection (body and soul) with God to praise, glorify, exalt, Shabbat (Remember and save) and keep my kids enjoy it and so transfers to their children, is the weekly reminder of the greatness of D ' and you who we are and our role in creation; Kosher Food is fundamental in Judaism, for the benefit of the soul and the body: These are all practices "daily" of a Jewish observant8. How will you continue your Jewish study?Join and develop a synagogue to join my family, to celebrate the different holidays themselves in the synagogue. Reading and studying the Torah with the relevant literature and books in my home and in the synagogue. Mainly seek the guidance of Rabbi to continue my study in an orderly and systematic, to refine my soul and body. Elevate spiritually and thus contributing in my family, community and secular level. I can not stay where I am I have to go, a lot to learn, to learn to give.
 essay based on these questions2. Describe the factors that have brought to Judaism.It is a responsibility as a Jew by the positive or negative range affecting worldwide. Judaism is a responsibility that we have to take in every moment of life, we know that the Jew is often stigmatized, this is part of our history and present and what Emunah fills us for so many years we are still "the people of Gd "and not changed that" Gd is One and Only "2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and compelling?Do not think they value most attractive or compelling than others, and that together represent "a whole." All these values ​​together are what define us as a people, as a nation, as Jews, all these values ​​are the lifestyle of Judaism.3. What is more appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview / lifestyle Judaism?In previous religion had many questions and no answers, with values ​​close to zero, a relationship with God for selfish personal convenience (prayers only "want ... give me ....), without any liability. Judaism is a lifestyle very particular precepts we relate with God and other men with a personal and community responsibility as a Jew. "What a Jew does it affects you, the Jewish community and creation. In Tefilah says "why have sinned ...." I mentioned in the plural, someone makes a mistake but we are all responsible.4. Describe your understanding of and relationship with God.I understand that Gd is "One and Only", based on this I recognize that "everything" is under his control. Obedience with joy, joy with conviction and conviction Emunah. The relationship with God leads me to a good man with elation as they are your creation. When we started the development and conversion of course my relationship with God would be totally different and much more sincere and closer to understanding my God.5. What has been your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future? My personal and family life has changed after the development of the study, understanding the role of father, mother, children in a Jewish home, the concept of "Honor your father and mother ...", how delicate and transcendent cause is an offense or humiliation to a person. Inside the home the fundamental work of the wife as an example the hassles of the Kashrut for the whole family, the lighting of Shabbat candles, challah separation, purification "Tevila". I want to see in the "Brit Mila of my grandson" and to know that I have to build and lead my family with the joy of the Torah and observant Jewish life.
6. Describe your sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community and synagogue. I came to understand reading Hamadrij, no matter which branch of Judaism belong, when a Jew or Israel is in danger and we are all one in the Siddur Vidui when we say "We have been guilty ..." the confession is written in plural because 
the Jewish people is like one body, each of us is like an organ, we are responsible for each other, for the good or evil of every Jew affects everything else.7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher?Prayer is one of the pillars that sustains the world and the responsibility that as a Jew I have about it. My connection (body and soul) with God to praise, glorify, exalt, Shabbat (Remember and save) and keep my kids enjoy it and so transfers to their children, is the weekly reminder of the greatness of D ' and you who we are and our role in creation; Kosher Food is fundamental in Judaism, for the benefit of the soul and the body: These are all practices "daily" of a Jewish observant8. How will you continue your Jewish study?Join and develop a synagogue to join my family, to celebrate the different holidays themselves in the synagogue. Reading and studying the Torah with the relevant literature and books in my home and in the synagogue. Mainly seek the guidance of Rabbi to continue my study in an orderly and systematic, to refine my soul and body. Elevate spiritually and thus contributing in my family, community and secular level. I can not stay where I am I have to go, a lot to learn, to learn to give.  

3. Essay 3

Describe the factors that have brought to Judaism.The determining factor was believe that contact with the teachings of the Torah, that something that became active delicious and certainly not for something more, because there is not, the experience at this year's festivals, Sabbaths, the acquired baggage is surprisingly rewarding, which I must say podmoso not explain what we feel but we should not try to define it, but rather live it and enjoy it, of course it is clear that Judaism responsibility disbursed in our being, not when Preo we shed it is now time to take it up and deal nuetra destination.

Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and compelling?The unity of the CreatorThe unity we have as Jews drink.The search for peaceLove of neighborTzedakah
What is more appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview / lifestyle Judaism?The lifestyle of Judaism life completely changes, our environment, friends, the diet, the sanctification of time, gratitude for all that we receive from the Creator, the mindset and clarifies our lives, and we live with awareness, leave behind the breaker, the drifts have marked unorizonte, which we know because we exist is our reason for living, used to live in uncertainty without understanding why everything happens, and relying on assumptions, our quality of life is unbeatable now .

Describe your understanding of and relationship with God.We know that he is one, which has no equal, that's all, and that nothing is outside of its domain, totally dependent on him without paradigms, today our relationship is direct without intermediaries. we have charted a course and you have to follow.

5. What has been your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? 
How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future?Has it changed much at all, in the distribution of time, the diet, how to comunnicarnos with The Creator, how we dress, how we bathe, time to study is not easy to adapt to a new lifestyle, progress sees with good view.We meet mizvot one by one, celebrate the holidays as it should according to Seder or Matzor, our daughters go through the chuppah, our grandchildren are Jewish, ofcourse that all change has far reaccionesy that our consciousness is clarified our quality of Jewish life will continue to improve.6. Describe your sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community and its sinagogga.We admire and love the Jewish people, their zeal for its tradition and observance of precepts, we are willing to join and be part of it, we love our friends in the community, share prayers, Shabbat, fun and lots of time together, we understand that a Jew cares for all Jews, we must be united, support us, we are Israel and that we believe in mutual and collective responsibility.

What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher?We understand that prayer is one of the pillars supporting this world and cornerstone of our life and the way of direct communication with the Creator, Shabbat revitalizes us and gives us strength to continue the search for the Creator, kosher is a physical balance spiritual-are what you eat, learn that what goes into our bodies has also spiritual effects.
How will you continue your Jewish study?We realize that our country lacks a place where a rabbi to instruct us, at this time our teachers are the books which we have, we study every day, and we share with our friends in the community, we see videos of Rabbis in Kol Torah, Aish Latino, Chabad, B'nai Israel, Daf Yomi, but the coming of the rabbis is timely to see our study alternatives via internet, in the same way that it has completed the conversion course

4. Essay 4 

1. Describe the factors that have brought to Judaism. the belief of one God, omnipotent, omniscient and provident and was Gd who created the universe and that the Jewish people are the chosen one who revealed the Torah and the standards derived from the Torah and the oral tradition which constitute the guide for Jewish life, that despite the centuries and millennia that tradition has not changed, but it has been kept by the Jewish people for generations, can be seen as a state religion because people-nation "Israel is a nation like no other for being the only people in the world since its inception as a nation and a religious group at a time. "

2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and compelling? Something that has attracted much attention and I put into practice a lot, it's something I learned from Jewish literature, is that our lives are under Divine supervision at all times, and all that happens is for the best. In addition to community life that is essential to the development of Jewish life cycle. laws and also ethical and moral values, the tzedakah, being benevolent with our neighbor etc

3. What is more appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview / lifestyle Judaism Is it more appropriate to me, from the moment that the veil has been lifted from my face, and knew everything I know now and practice, there really is nothing comparable to Judaism, I love, in the wisdom of the torah its good laws and customs to teach us to be better humans, both in dealing with my loved ones and my peers, the search for a relationship with even to the Creator and with all creatures. These moral, ethical, spiritual, are able to make a better world, or at least our homes and environments, everything in our abilities, that is the legacy I want to leave my children and grandchildren, now everything is clearer to achieve that purpose. -

4. Describe your understanding of and relationship with God. I believe that Gd is One and Only, I did not know him before and was only through the Judaism that I managed to meet him. My relationship with Gd, is through prayer and the study leads me to have a greater understanding of the Divine and through the study that I can understand his will. With Tefilah I address the praise and I can pour my heart and my thoughts to Him, I can get closer to him.

5. What has been your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future? changed at all, like eating, sleeping, dressing, how to think, act, and reason with difficult situations, such as projecting myself to life now, and I wish now for the future of my family, my exchange standard for the study, practice, spiritual, How do you see your Jewish life progressing in the future? With children and grandchildren practitioners of Judaism, making aliyah to Jerusalem for the festivities, a life rich in customs and practices, features that now belong to me, not only to me but also to all my offspring, etc.

6. Describe your sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community and this civilization evolved centuries sinagoga.Durante changes confronting internal and external conditions, historical realities, new ideas and knowledge resources, etc. . We, Jews XXI century, we look back this long and venerable history of our civilization evolves and see that there has been, there is and will continue to exist more than one way to be a Jew. This variety of expressions, real pluralism of approaches reflects the fact that some Jews are identified differently with the various components of our civilization, but still be one people.
For example, some Jews derive their meaning Jewish and only Jewish identity rooted in a secular, they are not comfortable with Jewish religious observances and rituals, but prefer to see their connection to Judaism through his belonging to the Jewish people or through identification with Jewish history (including holidays in the Jewish calendar) or through their identification with the state of Israel as a national expression of the Jewish people in modern times.
Other Jews remain committed to the traditional orthodox approach of religious identification with civilization. These Jews prefer to connect first with these component parts of civilization that focus on God, leading his people through the Torah in their spoken and written. For them, follow Jewish law as interpreted by Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis is the only legitimate approach, since according to his understanding, God himself is behind this approach, and what can mortal man do but to obey God's command ?
And then there are other Jewish religious orientation but progressive interpretation, living comfortably in the secular and non-Jewish world around them, passionately committed to preserving the essential and eternal teachings of Jewish civilization. They are progressive Jews, Jews who have chosen to live in the secular world, modern, and also in Jewish religious world. Jews are Jews whose approach is to try and integrate most of the components of Jewish civilization into an organic whole and unified.
I identify with them because every one we are one, we are "Jews" are a people, a nation and a religion. -

Essay 5 
1. Describe the factors that have brought Judaism: my Jewish faith is based on the belief that there is one God, omnipotent, omniscient and provident and it was God who created the universe and that the Jewish people are the chosen one who would reveal the law and the standards derived from the Torah and the oral tradition which constitute the guide for the life of the Jewish
2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and desirable? The values ​​that inspire me are: strength, becomes the domain of the temptations and the possession of power to dominate others; sovereignty, is the willingness to learn from others before the sum of knowledge that has been acquired , the honor, the respect and admiration of others and not be the recipient of cheers. Wealth is the ability you have to be satisfied with what one has and has not devoted to accumulation of goods and wealth
3. As is most appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview with the lifestyle of Judaism? Today I practice Jewish tradition clearly identical to before was doing things very wrong in synthesis that was wrong, now I feel full of satisfaction because I know how to observe the kashrut, family purity, keep the Sabbath and the blessings that come with the performance of mitzvot thus achieve the approximation to the Divinity of HaShem and Olam Haba
4. Describe your understanding of their relationship with God, my relationship with God is always more closely because I believe that God is one, and there is no other god but Him, and that through the fulfillment of mitzvot from sunrise - from the moment eyes open with the "animal model", my daily prayers and compliance with acts of kindness
5. As your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? You see your Jewish life progressing in the future? My personal life and home demi changed by leaps and bounds since the departure of passions I have managed to get blessings for me and my family and for the future for my aspirations are formally establish myself in a synagogue, to live with other Jews, learn from Hebrew language and make aliya. And possibly seek more and better meet the Jewish faith for my offspring are better Jews I
6. Describe the sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community, and his synagogue. I identify with the Jews of Israel puesreconozco is God's chosen people, I consider myself to them as my neighbors, and the world's Jews are just as Jews in the diaspora, but with the same goal. With the local Jewish community, share with them some festivities, and although we have a synagogue perform all our activities as a group of practitioners in a Javura
7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher? With prayer is important in my spiritual life, is an obligation and duty to worship HaShem kabana offering prayers, the Sabbath, HaShem instituted to keep calm in a storm of work or struggle in everyday life, we also remember that the world is to do whatever we want, on Shabbat we remember that HaShem brought us out of Egypt as well as the Sabbath is pleasurable, kosher, family is important to me for several reasons including: it is a mitzva, also because it is a diet that keeps me spiritually healthy and helps us in understanding the torah
8. As you continue your Jewish study? Acquiring books, following a program of study at a distance, I hope to contact with a rabbi to help me with the study process and also to learn the Hebrew language

1. Describe the factors that have brought Judaism: my Jewish faith is based on the belief that there is one God, omnipotent, omniscient and provident and it was God who created the universe and that the Jewish people are the chosen one who would reveal the law and the standards derived from the Torah and the oral tradition which constitute the guide for the life of the Jewish
2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and desirable? The values ​​that inspire me are: strength, becomes the domain of the temptations and the possession of power to dominate others; sovereignty, is the willingness to learn from others before the sum of knowledge that has been acquired , the honor, the respect and admiration of others and not be the recipient of cheers. Wealth is the ability you have to be satisfied with what one has and has not devoted to accumulation of goods and wealth
3. As is most appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview with the lifestyle of Judaism? Today I practice Jewish tradition clearly identical to before was doing things very wrong in synthesis that was wrong, now I feel full of satisfaction because I know how to observe the kashrut, family purity, keep the Sabbath and the blessings that come with the performance of mitzvot thus achieve the approximation to the Divinity of HaShem and Olam Haba
4. Describe your understanding of their relationship with God, my relationship with God is always more closely because I believe that God is one, and there is no other god but Him, and that through the fulfillment of mitzvot from sunrise - from the moment eyes open with the "animal model", my daily prayers and compliance with acts of kindness
5. As your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? You see your Jewish life progressing in the future? My personal life and home demi changed by leaps and bounds since the departure of passions I have managed to get blessings for me and my family and for the future for my aspirations are formally establish myself in a synagogue, to live with other Jews, learn from Hebrew language and make aliya. And possibly seek more and better meet the Jewish faith for my offspring are better Jews I
6. Describe the sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community, and his synagogue. I identify with the Jews of Israel puesreconozco is God's chosen people, I consider myself to them as my neighbors, and the world's Jews are just as Jews in the diaspora, but with the same goal. With the local Jewish community, share with them some festivities, and although we have a synagogue perform all our activities as a group of practitioners in a Javura
7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher? With prayer is important in my spiritual life, is an obligation and duty to worship HaShem kabana offering prayers, the Sabbath, HaShem instituted to keep calm in a storm of work or struggle in everyday life, we also remember that the world is to do whatever we want, on Shabbat we remember that HaShem brought us out of Egypt as well as the Sabbath is pleasurable, kosher, family is important to me for several reasons including: it is a mitzva, also because it is a diet that keeps me spiritually healthy and helps us in understanding the torah
8. As you continue your Jewish study? Acquiring books, following a program of study at a distance, I hope to contact with a rabbi to help me with the study process and also to learn the Hebrew language

1. Describe the factors that have brought Judaism: my Jewish faith is based on the belief that there is one God, omnipotent, omniscient and provident and it was God who created the universe and that the Jewish people are the chosen one who would reveal the law and the standards derived from the Torah and the oral tradition which constitute the guide for the life of the Jewish
2. Which Jewish values ​​do you find most attractive and desirable? The values ​​that inspire me are: strength, becomes the domain of the temptations and the possession of power to dominate others; sovereignty, is the willingness to learn from others before the sum of knowledge that has been acquired , the honor, the respect and admiration of others and not be the recipient of cheers. Wealth is the ability you have to be satisfied with what one has and has not devoted to accumulation of goods and wealth
3. As is most appropriate for you than your former religion or worldview with the lifestyle of Judaism? Today I practice Jewish tradition clearly identical to before was doing things very wrong in synthesis that was wrong, now I feel full of satisfaction because I know how to observe the kashrut, family purity, keep the Sabbath and the blessings that come with the performance of mitzvot thus achieve the approximation to the Divinity of HaShem and Olam Haba
4. Describe your understanding of their relationship with God, my relationship with God is always more closely because I believe that God is one, and there is no other god but Him, and that through the fulfillment of mitzvot from sunrise - from the moment eyes open with the "animal model", my daily prayers and compliance with acts of kindness
5. As your personal and home life changed because of Jewish tradition? You see your Jewish life progressing in the future? My personal life and home demi changed by leaps and bounds since the departure of passions I have managed to get blessings for me and my family and for the future for my aspirations are formally establish myself in a synagogue, to live with other Jews, learn from Hebrew language and make aliya. And possibly seek more and better meet the Jewish faith for my offspring are better Jews I
6. Describe the sense of identification with the Jewish people in relation to Israel, world Jewry, the local Jewish community, and his synagogue. I identify with the Jews of Israel puesreconozco is God's chosen people, I consider myself to them as my neighbors, and the world's Jews are just as Jews in the diaspora, but with the same goal. With the local Jewish community, share with them some festivities, and although we have a synagogue perform all our activities as a group of practitioners in a Javura
7. What is your commitment to prayer, Shabbat and keeping kosher? With prayer is important in my spiritual life, is an obligation and duty to worship HaShem kabana offering prayers, the Sabbath, HaShem instituted to keep calm in a storm of work or struggle in everyday life, we also remember that the world is to do whatever we want, on Shabbat we remember that HaShem brought us out of Egypt as well as the Sabbath is pleasurable, kosher, family is important to me for several reasons including: it is a mitzva, also because it is a diet that keeps me spiritually healthy and helps us in understanding the torah
8. As you continue your Jewish study? Acquiring books, following a program of study at a distance, I hope to contact with a rabbi to help me with the study process and also to learn the Hebrew language

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