Rabbinic services and online educational programs

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Online conversion program

 We were delighted to read your email and want to congratulate you on your spiritual decision. We are pleased that you are interested in the conversion process. Our course and bet din have converted hundreds of people from all corners of the globe. We have decades of experience helping Jews-by-Choice through the process.
Our rabbis are some of the most well-known authorities on conversion to Judaism, as well as distinguished retired congregational rabbis. To get started, you can just fill out and return the attached enrollment form with payment information and email it back to us. Feel free to call or email with questions and concerns anytime.                                     847-331-3584                  

Some basics of the program and process:
Once you complete the attached form and pay tuition and book fee, we'll send books and materials and 6 email containing 11 files, #6 of which is the course. The rest of the files are good helpful other material. Complete all 16 Sessions in file #6, with assigned readings, videos, memory work to the best of your ability (we have videos to assist), email terms with completed definitions for each session (we have videos to assist), read values for each session, return completed answers to 100 Questions which are divided up among the 16 sessions-there are videos to help. Then, after completing all sessions, write a final essay as assigned. You work the course at your own pace. We don't set minimim or maximum time limits. Some strive to do a session a week, which takes 16 weeks but that is pretty ambitious. It depends how much time you can allot.
Please feel free to have conversations with us as needed. We expect you to establish a commitment to Jewish living and religious practice as reflected by Declaration of Faith and to commit to learn basic Hebrew reading. We provide assistance in the materials we send. At the end you'll appear before a Beit Din (rabbinical tribunal) at which time you will be asked the following questions, among others:

* Do you choose to enter the eternal covenant between God and the people Israel and to become a Jew of your own free will?
* Do you accept Judaism to the exclusion of all other religious faiths and practices?
* Do you pledge your loyalty to Judaism and to the Jewish people under all circumstances?
* Do you promise to establish a Jewish home, and to participate actively in the synagogue and the Jewish community?
* Do you commit yourself to the pursuit of Torah and Jewish knowledge?
* If you should be blessed with children, do you promise to raise them as Jews?

With the beit din you'll read and sign the declaration of Faith Pick out a Hebrew name. For legal/spiritual purposes your parents will be Abraham and Sarah.
Males will require circumcision. If already circumcised, a ritual circumcision is required, which will take place with a certified mohel at the mikvah. Males and females will require immersion in a mikvah (ritual bath). At the conclusion we give you 4 documents: Hebrew and English conversion papers signed by the beit din, a certificate of course completion and signed copy of your declaration. We bless you and bestow your Hebrew name in at the mikvah. Mazel tov! You're a Jew then.

We look forward to helping you on this most important journey. 

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