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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Indiana congressional race pro Israel incumbent Walorski against pro terror candidate Joe Bock

 Indiana congressional race pro Israel incumbent Walorski against pro terror candidate Joe Bock

Elections matter. Indiana Congressional district 2 pits very pro Israel
incumbent against very anti Israel pro BDS candidate. Support Warlorski (endorsed by the Protect Our Heritage Pac/ ( Midwest's largest pro israel pac) against Joe Bock. Israel and the world can't afford another anti Israel pro terrorist Congressman. Donations to https://donate.standwithjackie.com/  or jackiewarloski.com  PASS this on to anyone who lives near South Bend
    " As Jewish voters and supporters of Israel, it is our duty and responsibility to know who we voting for. In this information age we cannot allow facts to be buried.

     The voters of Indiana's 2nd Congressional district (our neighboring South Bend Region) have a critical decision as we approach our 2014 election cycle. I know I do not want a congressional representative who believes culpability for global terrorism lies on the backs of Israel and the US. Such is the case as Professor Joe Bock from Notre Dame is challenging the current Representative Jackie Warlorski. While Rep. Walorski has been among Israel's finest supporters in Congress, Joe Bock has a history of supporting pro-Palestinian anti-Israel institutions including Al-Quds University, Caritas Internationalis,  and the UN's Division for Palestinian Rights.

     Professor Bock openly exclaims injustices towards Palestinians without ever acknowledging the systematic terrorism Palestinians have engaged in. Bock advocates "Preaching the Word," a Catholic social doctrine that applies biblical justice to the Palestinians. Bock was assigned Country Representative for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Jerusalem-West Bank-Gaza program, and settled in East Jerusalem for 3 years, ending just before the 2nd Intifada. Bock's wife Susan Lyke, who is also outspokenly anti-Israel has written " I learned that Christians shouldn’t sit on the fence when (Israeli) injustice is at play."

     Joe Bock and his wife Susan Lyke are members and supporters of Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem. FOSNA serves as the “voice for Palestinian Christians” against Israel’s policies and has been a driving force behind various Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, including those initiated by mainline Protestant churches in the U.S. They employ a “Palestinian liberation theology” which is based on the premise that the Bible’s explicit descriptions of the land of Israel as belonging to the Jewish people must be repudiated and redefined. Friends of Sabeel’s agenda calls for the right of return for Palestinian refugees, an end to American policies that support and give aid to Israel, and active engagement in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Friends of Sabeel hosts large conferences on University campuses (including Notre Dame) featuring strong anti-Israel themes and speakers who accuse Israel of racism, oppression, and human rights violations. Their speakers have also depicted Israel as a systematically racist country comparing Israeli policies to Nazism. They outspokenly purport that the pro-Israel lobby is excessively powerful and that Israeli interests control the U.S. government’s foreign policy. Friends of Sabeel has similarly targeted high schools audiences throughout the U.S. in recent years. They sponsored an unsuccessful campaign in Minnesota against Israel Bonds stating it hoped their political efforts would be “replicated across the country to get state governments to pull their money out of investing in Israel.”

     This Palestinian-Christian connection to other Christian groups is highly toxic, and a United States congressman that shares these views would have the ability to write and sponsor legislation that is very detrimental to Israel. How can we let this happen?

     Does it even matter who is the "D" and who is the "R"? We can all agree that support for Israel must remain bipartisan. Although Bock is the "D" and Walorski is the "R" what matters is whether or not we can count on them to support, not vilify the only Jewish country.

      In contrast U.S. Rep. Jackie Warlorski has emerged as one of Israel's strongest supporters. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she has won bipartisan support for new measures increasing pressures on Iran. Upon returning from Israel last August Walorski stated “As Israel continues to experience constant terror threats from surrounding countries, the United States recognizes its special bond to Israel and is proud to be a strong ally. As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I believe it is critical that the United States continues to focus on Israel’s security, particularly from the growing nuclear threat in Iran, to help stabilize the region and protect our own national security interests.” Both parties have identified this seat as a key battleground in 2014.

      With the rise of anti-semitism and Iran on the verge of nuclear power, we Jews are living in turbulent times that call for unity and action. How we respond to the detractors will determine how pro-Israel we are, REALLY.

Beverly Sandler

If you are interested in further information please contact Beverly Sandler.
708-280-1047 or bevshoes1@yahoo.com."

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